I would like to talk about several different varieties of blackberries, which are some I like to use. Boysenberries is a hybrid of a loganberry and blackberry and if you like the taste of blackberries, this one would be a great one. Blackberries come in many varieties which some of them are thorn less. Blackberries fruit will come from mid-to-late- summer. Loganberries is s good one if you like tart raspberries, but if not, you will need to cook with plenty of sugar. Tayberries are one that is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry and the berries are delicious.
I have decided that I would like to get some more blackberry plants. So I need to get my plants now, because in the fall is the right time to plant. Your plants. Since blackberries and hybrid berries are climbing shrubs, I will plant them by my wall, so can train their stems up onto my wall. I am in luck that my wall is in a sunny site and blackberries loves this. My next step is to turn over the soil to remove all the weeds, then add some organic matter to the soil and add granular, general-purpose fertilizer. I dig a hole a little bigger than the root ball of my blackberry plant, so I can put the soil around the plant after I put it n the hole.
After I plant my plants I keep them well watered during the summer, and I will mulch each plant with well-rotted organic matter and I will apply a granular fertilizer in the spring. Birds love the berries so I put some net over my plants to keep them out.
Berries ripe from mid-to late summer. I wait till my berries are fully colored, because I know this is when they will have the sweetest taste to them. I only pick my berries when the weather is dry. I prune my blackberries and hybrids in the fall after they fruit on canes in their second year and I cut to the base. then I will tie the unfruited canes that did fruit their first year of growth to the other plants.
I like to train my plants so they will more manageable to deal with and take up less space.
We need to enable individuals to turn out to be content with growing their food. At Raintree Nursery, you'll locate our growing guides for a significant number of the plants that we sell.