Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How To Grow Apples?

There are hundreds of different varieties to try, some with individual flavors, cropping, potential and disease-resistance. Many of the different types of apples can be grown in containers. Apples can be planted in spring and late fall, and winter. Apples will be ready to harvest in late summer and early to mid fall. Flowering to harvest will take 14 to 20 weeks and they grow in beds and containers. Plant trees 30 inches apart which means you will plant four apple trees per nine feet bed and you will plant one plant in each container.

Getting started

Apples that are grown in containers are available all year, but bareroot trees can only be brought between fall and early spring. For you to be able to produce fruit, the apple flowers have to be pollinated, and you will need to have at least two compatible trees unless  you already have one apple tree growing nearby.


If your apple trees are not grown in a pot  you will need to plant them while dormant from fall to spring. Pot-grown apple trees can be planted anytime you want to as long as you keep them moist. A person will need to choose a sunny, sheltered place, to plant your apple trees, after you have the site you will need to turn over the soil and remove the weeds and add organic matter if your soil is heavy clay or sandy.

You will need to plant  the tree at the same depth as the soil mark on the tree is pot-grown. After putting the tree in the hole, place some organic matter in the hole, then fill the hole with soil and firm the soil around the tree. Water the apple tree in the well. After planting the apple tree, you will need to stake the tree and attach it by using an adjustable tree tie. Put a nail in the tie and attach it to the stake to hold it in place.

Routine care

Your apple trees will need to be water blot, especially their first year. If your trees are in pots, they always,  will need a lot of water, but when the trees are fully rooted in the ground, they will need less water.

Thinning out

If you want full-sized apples, you will need to thin the developing fruits in early summer after they get to be walnut sized apples. Dessert apples need to be thin to one to two fruits every six inches, and  culinary types to one every six inches. The central fruit needs to always be thin, because they grow abnormally.


When the apples are ready to harvest, you will need to gently cup the apple in your hand lift and twist the apple. If the apple does not come off easily, thin you will need to wait a day or two. The fruit will be having to be pick regularly because they ripe real quick, and be careful in handling the apples to avoid bruising them.


The apples are pruned in the winter. Get rid of all the congested growth in the center so you can keep an open shape, and removed all the dead, damaged, diseased, and weak growth. By cutting the new stems by half, this will encourage fruit-bearing spurs at their base. The older fruit spurs needs to be thinned if there is a congestion of them.

1 comment:

  1. We need to enable individuals to turn out to be content with growing their food. At Raintree Nursery, you'll locate our growing guides for a significant number of the plants that we sell.
